1. These terms

    1. These are the terms and conditions on which you participate in, and we provide, Ikano Rewards, a cashback rewards account.

    2. Please read these terms carefully before you register an account on our website and participate in Ikano Rewards. By registering on our website or participating in Ikano Rewards, you agree to these terms and conditions, which will be legally binding on you.

  2. Information about us and how to contact us

    1. We are Ikano Bank AB (publ) a UK establishment of Ikano Bank AB (publ) registered in England and Wales under no. BR016253 and have our registered office at Waterfront House, Waterfront Plaza, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3DQ. Our VAT registration no. is 265321711. Ikano Bank AB (publ) is incorporated in Sweden with registered and head office at Hyllie Boulevard 27 Malmö 215 32 Sweden. Ikano Bank AB (publ) is authorised in Sweden by Finansinspektionen, the regulator for banks in Sweden and in the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.

    2. Whilst we offer Ikano Rewards and your contract in relation to your participation in Ikano Rewards is with us, we use VAC Media Ltd, a third party service provider, to operate and manage Ikano Rewards on our behalf. Where you have a query in relation to your Ikano Rewards account, we suggest you raise a ticket for that query using the online ticketing system accessible via the Ikano Rewards portal or contact VAC Media Ltd at

    3. If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us at the time you registered for an account on our website.

    4. When we use the words "writing" or "written" in these terms, this includes emails.

  3. Your account

    1. We will not charge you any fee for participating in the Ikano Rewards.

    2. You must be at least 18 years of age, a resident of the UK. A person may have no more than one Ikano Rewards account. We reserve the right to refuse membership to the Ikano Rewards at our discretion.

    3. In registering for and participating in the Ikano Rewards, you must provide accurate and up-to-date information about yourself.

    4. If you are asked for, and provide, details of a bank or building society account into which you wish to receive cashback payments, you must ensure that you are, and remain, fully entitled to use that bank or building society account.

    5. You are responsible for keeping your profile and contact details up to date (including but not limited to your email address and bank account, PayPal account, credit card or other account details).

    6. Your Ikano Rewards account must be used only for purchases on your own behalf, and not on the behalf of, or for the benefit of, any other person.

    7. You must not enter into, or attempt to enter into, any transaction with a third party retailer or provider or to attempt to gain cashback by providing personal information of another person, or a payment method which you are not entitled to use, or otherwise by deceptively or unfairly exploiting a third party retailer or provider’s offering.

    8. If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password or any other piece of information when registering for an Ikano Rewards account, you must treat such information as confidential. You must not disclose it to any third party. We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms of use. If you know or suspect that anyone other than you knows your user identification code or password, you must promptly notify VAC Media Ltd at

  4. Reward scheme and cashback

    1. By registering for an Ikano Rewards account, you may be able to earn cashback on purchases you made with third party retailers and providers.

    2. To earn cashback, you need to be logged in to your Ikano Rewards account on our website, click on our links before you visit the third-party retailer or provider and complete the purchase with the third-party retailer or provider online.

    3. When you use our links to make a qualifying online purchase from a third party retailer or provider, we receive a commission from the third party retailer or provider. Once we have received the commission from the third-party retailer or provider a proportion of this commission is paid as cashback to you. You can find out more here: How it Works

    4. Once we have received the commission from the third party retailer or provider relating to a qualifying online purchase that tracks back to your an Ikano Rewards account, this will show as a credit on your account. Once the amount of cashback credited to your account reaches £10, you will be able to request payment of your cashback and we will pay you the cashbackas soon as reasonably practicably following your request.

    5. An online purchase with a retailer may not constitute a qualifying online purchase and you may not be entitled to cashback ifit is not a purchase which qualifies for cashback as specified onrelevant third party retailer or provider landing page on the Ikano Rewards portal before you click through to the relevant third party retailer’s or provider’s website. If for any reason

    6. We will not pay cashback to you in respect of an online purchase if:

      1. the third party retailer or provider refuses to pay commission, for example, if the purchase is cancelled, you return the goods supplied, etc; or

      2. where your Ikano Rewards account has been suspended by us under clause 7 of these terms and conditions, is associated with any fraudulent activity or any breach of these terms and conditions, or we reasonably believe that your account has been used to make purchases on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any person other than you.

    7. The amount of cashback you are expected to be paid is set out on the relevant third party retailer or provider landing page on the Ikano Rewards portal before you click through to the relevant third party retailer’s or provider’s website. Third party retailers or providers may increase or decrease the commission they pay to us. As this commission is converted into cashback, we pay to you this means the cashback offer illustrated on our site may be incorrect.

  5. Our role

    1. We do not sell or supply any of the products or services listed and linked to on our website and we are not a party to any transactions with you or any third party retailers or providers for the sale or supply of the products or services. When you make an online purchase from a third party retailer or provider using the links on our website, you contract with the third party retailer or provider for the purchase of products and/or services, not us. We have no control over or responsibility for such products and/or services and any actions of the third party retailers or providers, and we are not responsible for any failure by the third party retailers or providers or the product or services offered by or on behalf of them.

    2. We do not endorse any of the products or services of third party retailers or providers from the links of our website nor does the linking to such products or services constitute any warranty, recommendation or advice on the suitability, adequacy, appropriateness or quality of such products or services. You should exercise no lesser degree of caution in entering into online purchases with third party retailers or providers than you would when making a similar online purchase elsewhere.

    3. To the extent that the law permits, you release us, our agents and employees from all liability arising out of or in connection with any transactions with retailers, including (without limitation) all claims and demands relating to transactions (whether completed or uncompleted) with retailers, or products or services offered for sale or supply, or actually sold or supplied, through or in connection with any transactions with retailers.

    4. You agree to indemnify us against all liabilities, claims, damages, and costsarising out of or in connection with any contract you enter into for the online purchase of a product or service from a third-party retailer or provider or any breach of these terms and conditions by you.

  6. Modification,withdrawal or suspension of the Ikano Rewards

    1. We may write to you to let you know that we are intending to modify, suspend or stop providing the Ikano Rewards. We use reasonable endeavours to let you know at least 45 days in advance of our modifying, suspending or stopping the provision of the Ikano Rewards

    2. We do not guarantee that our website, any content on it, or the Ikano Rewards will always be available or be uninterrupted. If there are any interruptions or unavailability of our website or the Ikano Rewards, we will use reasonable endeavours to minimise such interruptions and period of unavailability.

  7. Closure of your account

    1. You may close your Ikano Rewards account at any time by letting us know via the online ticketing system on the Ikano Rewards portal or the email address set out on the Ikano Rewards portal.

    2. We reserve the right to suspend or closeyour Ikano Rewards account and terminate this contract if:

      1. you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions;

      2. your account has not been used for more than 12 months; or

      3. if we have the right to do so by any other term of these terms and conditions.

  8. Our responsibility for loss or damage suffered by you

    1. If we fail to comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.

    2. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation

    3. If defective digital content which we have supplied damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill, we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation.

    4. We only provide our website and the Ikano Rewards for domestic and private use. If you use the website and the Ikano Rewards for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

  9. How we may use your personal information

      We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Notice

  10. Other important terms

    1. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

    2. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

    3. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

    4. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.

    5. These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

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